Scottish Power Renewables has been trialling various methods of peatland restoration on their windfarm sites. Here they update us on two techniques showing some success.
Ground smoothing
It is now five years exactly since Scottish Power Renewables undertook the second trial of the 'ground smoothing' technique they developed to restore blanket bog from commercial forestry plantation. The areas are now almost completely re-vegetated with bog species, a total contrast to the dry species assemblage that existed before the ground smoothing was implemented. This technique has since been implemented on 105ha at Black Law Windfarm, and 139ha at Whitelee Windfarm is in progress, with a total of 2,200ha programmed over the next eight years.
Wave Damming
The wave dammed drains at Black Law Windfarm undertaken over winter (six months or so ago) are maintaining a high water table despite recent penetrating drought, with all dams staying intact and only minimal slumping. The areas of bog between the dammed drains are remaining noticeably wetter at the surface than in the untreated control areas, so we are hopeful the data will show significant differences have occurred since the treatment was implemented.