A new restoration fund, managed by Natural Resources Wales (NRW), was launched this week in an effort to help safeguard valuable peatlands.
Welsh landowners are being encouraged to apply to the £700k pot to help with restoration projects, with grants of between £10K-£250K available to applicants. Grants are available both to those who are new to restoration projects, as well as those who are at an advanced planning stage and ready to undertake the work.
The funding is available through the National Peatland Action Programme (NPAP), a scheme funded by the Welsh governement that has delivered £1.4M in grants since 2022.
Restoring peatlands provides multiple benefits for people and wildlife, and is an essential tool in helping combat the climate emergency.

Mannon Lewis, NRW’s Strategic Projects lead for NPAP highlighted the importance of the scheme:
“Peatland covers only 4% of Wales yet stores 30% of our land-based carbon and is vital to tackle the Climate and Nature emergencies. As 90% of our peatlands are damaged, they actively release harmful greenhouse gases. In contrast, restored healthy wet peatland continuously forms peat layers that capture carbon. So peat at a depth of 30cm has captured carbon for around 300 years, including the carbon from our industrial age. Offering this open competitive Peatland Restoration Grant is one way NPAP can support partners across Wales to achieve increasingly ambitious restoration goals for the benefit of future generations.”
The application deadline for the Peatland Restoration Grant is 18 March 2025. Guidance and application details are on the NPAP grants page. In addition, potential applicants can register for free Welsh and English guidance webinars on 6 February 2024.
For more information on the fund and details of timelines, see Natural Resources Wales' news page.