8 years on from the initial inquiry, there have been significant changes in government and policy and the original 2011 report is in need of an update.
Not forgetting the huge body of work that was done in 2011 to bring consensus - many of the key findings and recommendations still stand and will be re-iterated. But where changes have been made or new issues arise there is a need to set the current peatland story in an updated context.
The aim of the updated COI is to refresh the evidence base and ultimately support the big, long-term funding and policy discussions that are underway. The Updated report will be out in time to inform the next government spending review.
The six scientific topic reports, the findings of which will feed into the main Commission of Inquiry report alongside wider practical and policy contexts, have been summarised by the IUCN UK Peatland Programme and made available at the 2019 IUCN UK Peatland Programme Conference. They are also available for download below:
- State of UK peatlands summary document
- Funding for peatland restoration and management summary document
- Peatland catchments and Natural Flood Management summary document
- Peatlands and forestry summary document
- Productive lowland peatlands summary document
- Biodiversity monitoring summary document

We aim to publish the main report in 2020. This will be followed by an event to explore how best to disseminate key messages to broad audiences, details of which will be made available here. The Inquiry report and key messages will also be shared with parliamentary officials and civil servants at receptions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
If you wish to help support the production of the main report we welcome suggestions for the policy and research recommendations included in the report. Please submit answers to the following questions to emma.goodyer@iucn.org.uk:
a) What, in your view, are the current policy failures, conflicts or gaps in relation to UK peatlands?
b) What, in your view, are the key research questions and evidence needs in relation to UK peatlands?
c) What would help to support you in your role to further the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of UK peatlands?