Inquiry generates urgent call for peatland action

June 21, 2011

An urgent international call for action on peatland protection and restoration has been made today (21 June 2011) following the release of findings at a landmark peatlands conference.  Delegates heard that a loss of only 5% of the carbon stored in UK peatlands would equate to the total annual UK greenhouse gas emissions.

The conference, Investing in Peatlands: Delivering Multiple Benefits, has been organised by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) UK Peatland Programme in partnership with Scottish Natural Heritage and Scottish Environment Protection Agency. The event has drawn together a wide range of scientists, experts and land managers from across the UK and internationally.

The IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands has undertaken one of the most extensive assessments of peatlands ever carried out in the UK. The findings were presented at a three day conference at the University of Stirling, where speakers highlighted the huge significance of peatlands to society and the urgent need for action to protect them. 

Over 50 experts were involved in gathering the evidence for the inquiry with input from over 300 organisations and individuals.  The findings show that peat soils cover a third of the UK land area. The key peat forming habitats of bogs and fens, which support important plants and animals, are now greatly reduced in area but are still our largest areas of semi natural habitats.

Globally the vital role of peatlands has been recognised in connection with biodiversity, water and carbon storage. Damage from development, drainage, fire and over grazing by animals has left many peatlands in a degraded state with costly consequences.

Environment and Climate Change Minister Stewart Stevenson said: “The Scottish Government has long recognised the benefits provided by our peatlands. We have been willing contributors to the inquiry’s work and have funded research partners such as SNH and RSPB to show the benefits peatlands provide and ways in which they can be maximised. 

“I am delighted that the Stirling conference will provide the opportunity to show what Scotland through our landscape, experiences and stakeholders can offer to this important debate. The Inquiry’s findings will be an important contribution to demonstrating the multiple benefits which well managed land can provide.”

In all four UK countries the inquiry found examples of world leading expertise in peatland management and restoration techniques aimed at helping reduce carbon emissions, supporting biodiversity and improving water quality.  The conference heard that extending this effort to ensure a greener future for our peatlands would bring widespread benefits and avoid costly problems from past damage.

Susan Davies, SNH’s director of policy and advice said: “Peatlands are our past and our future. The results of the peatlands inquiry clearly show the importance of restoring and enhancing peatlands in the twenty first century. With climate change increasingly becoming a challenge for all of us we must all come together to protect and restore our boggy heritage.”

Lord Jamie Lindsay, chair of Scotland’s Moorland Forum said: “There is a clear case for resources to support those managing peatlands for wider public benefit. Another positive step would be to establish showcase peatland restoration areas across the UK to demonstrate how natural improvements can be achieved and bring gains for society as a whole.”

The conference is part of a series of annual IUCN UK ‘Investing in Peatlands’ conferences from 2010 to 2012. For more details about the conference and a full programme visit .


Notes for editors: 

  1. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a global organization, providing an influential and authoritative voice for nature conservation. The IUCN UK Peatland Programme promotes peatland restoration in the UK and advocates the multiple benefits of peatlands through partnerships, strong science, sound policy and effective practice. For more information visit
  2. This press release is distributed by Scottish Natural Heritage on behalf of the IUCN UK Peatland Programme. SNH are ‘Investing in Peatlands: Delivering Multiple Benefits’ 2011 conference partners
  3. The IUCN UK Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands was launched in early 2010, and is chaired by Martyn Howatt, former director of uplands, Natural England with Dr Steve Chapman of the James Hutton Institute as scientific co-ordinator. The full assessment report will be published in summer 2011. Details of inquiry with key findings and evidence gathered can be found at:
  4. Patrons of the inquiry include Lord Jamie Lindsay, former Scottish Environment Minister; Professor Andrew Watkinson, director of Living with Environmental Change (LWEC), and Sir Graham Wynne, former chief executive of RSPB.
  5. Inquiry patron Professor Andrew Watkinson, director of Living with Environmental Change (LWEC), said: “If we are to secure our peatlands across the UK and bring in the necessary investment, we need a sound science base to quantify the benefits of healthy peatlands as well as effective science-policy exchange to improve our understanding and assess progress.”
  6. Inquiry patron Sir Graham Wynne, former chief executive of RSPB said: “Climate change could bring further pressure on our peatlands with damaged areas being particularly vulnerable and at risk of adding significant GHG emissions to the atmosphere. Action taken now to manage and restore peatlands can help reduce this threat and secure the ecosystem services that peatlands provide.”
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