Location: Fenn’s & Whixall NNR, North Shropshire/Wrexham SY13 2PD
Fenn’s & Whixall National Nature Reserve, Britain’s 3rd largest raised bog, this is an opportunity to see:
- Peat bunding techniques in operation
- Tree harvesting to convert peatland to bog
- Trials to manage Molinia (Purple Moor Grass)
Time: 1:0am – 3pm
Lunch provided – Places limited – Booking essential.
To reserve a place e-mail Mike Crawshaw at info.whixall@naturalengland.org.uk or call 01948 880362
For more information: http://www.themeresandmosses.co.uk/page/74/marches-mosses-boglife-project.htm
This work is being generously funded by the European Union’s LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Programme. It is part of Marches Mosses BogLIFE, a five year programme to restore Fenn’s, Whixall, Bettisfield, Wem and Cadney Mosses SAC EU Life Funded Project Reference: LIFE15 NAT/UK/000786