#PeatConf21: Day 3

Image © North Pennines AONB Partnership

#PeatConf21: Day 3

An introduction to wetter ways of farming and why it matters

#PeatConf21: Day 3 WelcomeDay 3 – Adaptive peatland management, regenerative agriculture, wetter ways of farming and peat-free progress

This session provides an introduction to wetter ways of farming including lucrative, innovative and achievable examples from across the globe; paludiculture as wetter ways of farming and an overview of GHG emissions from UK lowland peatlands. 

  • Welcome to Day 3 of the conference

Olly Watts, RSPB

  • Keynote address

Hans Schutten, Wetlands International

  • Adaptive peatland management: Paludicultures as wetter ways of farming - overview & diversity

Jan Peters, Succow Foundation Griefswald Mire Centre 

  • Overview of GHG emissions from UK lowland peatlands

Ross Morrison, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH)


Adaptive management in action: Innovation, adaptation & diversification

#PeatConf21: Day 3 Session 2This session shares examples of wetter ways of farming in action including: an introduction to wet agriculture in the UK; developing a landscape vision at Store Vildmose; the need for agricultural adaptation in the UK; examples of UK trials and a demonstration for climate friendly building materials.

  • Paludiculture as a stepping stone between rewetting and conventional agriculture: Barver Moor

Harry Mach, Broads Authority

  • Creating a new approach to peatland ecosystems

Andrea Kelly, Broads Authority

  • Developing a landscape vision – Store Vildmose

Peter Hahn, Naturstyrelsen (Danish Nature Agency)

  • The need for change in the UK

Ross Taylor, Buffaload

  • UK trials and opportunities: WaterWorks project

Kate Carver & Lorna Parker, Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire

  • A House in the Mire: Paludi-tiny house - a demonstrator for climate friendly building materials

Anke Nordt, Griefswald Mire Centre 

Chaired by Sarah Proctor, IUCN UK Peatland Programme

Reintroduction of Sphagnum moss and its potential as a climate crop


#PeatConf21: Day 3 SessionThis session explores the importance of Sphagnum moss in the fight against climate change and share results from the re-introduction of Sphagnum as part of peatland restoration works as all as results from carbon farming trials. It also shares experience of rethinking farmed lowland peat. 

  • Importance of Sphagnum in the fight against climate change

Andrew Davidson & Dr Neal Wright, BeadaMoss® (Micropropagation Services)

  • Re-introducing Sphagnum - trials from LIFE

Tia Crouch & Jemma Benson, Moors for the Future Partnership

  • Carbon farming - results from Care Peat

Anna Keightley, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)

  • Reverse Coal - rethinking farmed lowland peat

James Brown, Pollybell Farm

Chaired by Sarah Johnson, Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Peat & Horticulture : Demonstrating success

#PeatConf21: Day 3 Session 4This session provides an update on the diversity of solutions engaging with the peat-free campaign plus view from industry

  • Peat-free horticulture: A need for action

Jenny Hawley, Plantlife

  • Non-Peat materials in commercial substrates

Paul Alexander, Bulrush Horticulture

  • Industry action on growing media

David Denny, Horticultural Trades Association

  • How does industry gear up for new long term sustainable industry avoiding fragility of relying on a single product

Steve Harper, Southern Trident

  • Progress in peat-free horticulture

Mark Gush, Royal Horticultural Society

  • The Wildlife Trusts 'Peat free' Survey 

Ali Morse, The Wildlife Trusts

  • Grass Roots Actions: For Peat Sake 

Diane Sammons, For Peat Sake

Chaired by Niall Ó Brolcháin, National University of Ireland, Galway


Music: www.bensound.com


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