IUCN UK Peatland Programme Demonstrating Success Booklet series showcase successful peatland restoration projects from across the UK and Internationally.
Case studies illustrate opportunities for restoration and sustainable management, globally and in the UK, as well as innovative ways of engaging people in conservation action.
‘Global Peatland Restoration – Demonstrating Success’, a publication from the IUCN UK Peatland Programme and CEM Thematic Group on Peatlands, was launched in Brussels in 2014, and showcases successful restoration projects across the world.
The UK is among the world-leaders in peatland restoration and through the IUCN UK Peatland Programme, a partnership of government and public organisations is working to safeguard healthy peatlands that can bring benefits to society. A selection of case studies have been brought together in ‘UK Peatland Restoration – Demonstrating Success’ to showcase the deliver of peatland restoration results through an ecosystem approach.
Where possible projects featuring in these publications are also available to view on the Projects Map.
'Peat-free Horticulture – Demonstrating Success' is the third publication in the series and was launched as part of the UNFCCC COP26 Peatland Pavilion in November 2021, showcasing examples of organisations who have demonstrated the high-quality results that can be achieved without the use of peat in horticulture.

Our fourth publication is 'Forest to Bog Restoration - Demonstrating Success' which examines how the practice of forest to bog restoration has advanced significantly, thanks to the collaborative nature of the restoration community. Through knowledge sharing between partnerships and sectors, it is possible to successfully rehabilitate these damaged areas of peatland and recover their beneficial climate and biodiversity functions. It also includes case studies from across the UK, looking at the challenges and opportunities presented by each project as well as celebrating their key successes and future ambitions.