Fenn's, Whixall & Bettisfield Moss and Wem Moss (The Marches Mosses) complex is the third largest lowland raised peatbog in the UK and has been the subject of over 20 years restoration by Natural England and Natural Resources Wales. Natural England is leading a partnership that has applied to the EU LIFE program for a Bog LIFE project, which will restore the habitat within the Special Area of Conservation and National Nature Reserve, including a disused car scrap yard.
Shropshire Wildlife Trust has won development funding from Heritage Lottery Fund for match funding for this five year project, which will encourage more people to make use of the mosses for leisure, business and research.
We would like your feedback about your current use of the mosses, and if you don’t use them, why. The feedback we receive will be used to shape the bid and ultimately influence how we move forward.
Please follow this link to complete the survey and have your say.
If you want to discuss anything to do with the project, please get in touch with Project Development Officer Sara Pearce on 01743 284 280 or email SaraP@ShropshireWildlifeTrust.org.uk