Our annual conference series presents opportunities for the UK peatland community- policy makers, scientists, land managers and practitioners to share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm of peatland conservation and management.
Ely, Cambridgeshire will be the location for the 14th conference in our series. Taking place between the 3rd – 5th October 2023 this year’s IUCN UK Peatland Programme conference ‘Beyond Restoration’ will offer both in person and hybrid* opportunities for attendance.
Further announcements regarding the conference will be available on our website and shared on Twitter @IUCNpeat #PeatConf23
The UK is a global leader in peatland restoration. This is only made possible by the enthusiasm and dedication of hundreds of individuals, whether paid staff or volunteers; NGO, Government, academic, business or private land manager. We would like to commend the whole peatland community and particularly the partnerships that drive this work, restoring and protecting peatlands for future generations.
If you would like to partner in, or sponsor the delivery of the 2023 IUCN UK Peatland Programme Conference please email info@iucn.org.uk and we will be happy to discuss opportunities with you.
*Hybrid option ticketed. Day 1 only.