From 1 November 2024, the fees charged to issue and convert units on the UK Land Carbon Registry are changing.
- The fee to issue a Pending Issuance Unit is increasing from 10p to 15p per unit.
- The fee to convert a Pending Issuance Unit to a verified Woodland/Peatland Carbon unit is increasing from 5p to 10p per unit, with the minimum payment of £100 remaining the same.
The increases are needed to enable our costs to be covered, and will allow the Woodland Carbon Code and Peatland Code teams to continue to provide an improved service to the carbon market.
The UK Land Carbon Registry provides a highly competitive rate. This is the second increase since the Registry was launched in 2013. Carbon prices currently average about £25 per credit. The total cost of issuing and converting credits will be approximately 1% of the current sales price.
We will review registry fees annually to ensure that the fee structure remains appropriate, and will continue to work on further efficiencies that will help to maintain charges at a competitive rate in future.
For more information, see Registry Fees or email the Peatland Code Team: or email the Woodland Carbon Code Team