The 2022 conference was delivered in partnership with, New LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs, Natural Resources Wales National Peatland Action Programme , Natural England's Marches Mosses BogLIFE and Pennine PeatLIFE.
For the 13th conference in our series we were delighted to welcome delegates to Wales for our first in person conference since 2019. Our theme for this conference focused on how peatland restoration can be delivered at scale, building on the knowledge gained from projects around the UK.

Left: Sunset seen from venue - delegates and posters in foreground (Credit: Jordan Davies). Center: Representatives from each UK nation updating on peatland strategy progress (Credit: Drew Buckley Photography). Right: Delegates looking at bunding on Cors Caron field trip (Credit: Iain Detrey)
This year’s conference included peatland field trips to various restoration efforts around mid-Wales, workshops for the discussion of problems and solutions across a variety of subjects, opportunities for poster exhibition and oral presentations and networking events including a Twmpath band and dance.
The conference series presents an opportunity for policy makers, scientists, land managers, practitioners, businesses and communicators to connect and share their knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm for peatlands.
Over 240 local, national and international delegates and volunteers from across sectors came together over 3 days to explore themes including:
- Progress made towards UK Peatland Strategy Goals and Delivery
- Lowland Raised Bog Restoration - learnings, challenges & legacy
- Forest to Bog restoration - policy & practice
- Moving away from trees OR peat conversations
- Peatland Monitoring and reporting
- Scaling-up delivery, Capacity, skills and, Finance
For speaker presentations see:
This Conference aimed to provide a forum for delegates to explore:
- How we maintain momentum and monitor progress towards the UK Peatland Strategy goals and share experience
- How we can scale up capacity and the speed at which restoration is delivered focusing on skills, finance and working with multiple stake holders across landscapes
- How we advance policy when addressing monitoring and reporting, forest to bog restoration and how to move away from trees or peat to meet both native woodland and peatland restoration targets
Conference programme (Below Left) and Field trip Options (Below Right)
The UK is a global leader in peatland restoration. This is only made possible by the enthusiasm and
dedication of hundreds of individuals, whether paid staff or volunteers; NGO, Government, academic,
business or private land manager. We would like to commend the whole peatland community and
particularly the partnerships that drive this work, restoring and protecting peatlands for future generations.
The 2022 IUCN UK Peatland Programme conference was delivered in partnership with:

We were delighted to bring the conference to you this year in partnership with:
- New LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs -
- Welsh National Peatland Action Programme -
- Marches Mosses BogLIFE -
- Pennine PeatLIFE -
Kindly sponsored by:
- eftec -
- Strutt&Parker -
- Terra Motion -
- Vattenfall -
- Salix -
- Meredith Contract Services -
And with much appreciated support from:
- The Wildife Trusts -